Thursday, 29 March 2012


On Thursday I went to a art gallery in town. I went to go see Askew1 artwork  at the Australian art gallery and his show was called the Smoke Effect.  What I expected to see from artist was what he mostly dose, witch is graffiti.  The paintings that he made was alright because to me the paintings look kind of like his graffiti work, the type of graffiti style he dose, but because I'm not that interested in graffiti, like I was be for, but what I did find interesting was, all his paintings, the black part, looked like it was screen printed and the hole thing in color was hand painted. I would say that the hole day was kind of a waste of day but i think at the end of the day we as a class we got to go on a trip. I was disappointed that we had to make our own way out into town. We also got to visit other gallery's like Fingers and the other gallery's close to the fingers gallery. We saw Bepen's artwork of a man and a woman on those workout bikes with their eyes wiped out, so its just their face with no eyes. At first I was like, what is this all about, then Bepen was saying that his pice was about how their are always Hollywood people in workout adds that he would just be funny to wipe the eye from the man and woman face. Later that day we had a lunch break, then we had a choice to ether go visiting other gallery's or just go home. After lunch I made up my mined to go back to school to finish off some work of my own. This picture (it is the gift and the curse) it was up in his exhibition. This was also the painting at Askew exhibition and its one of all paintings that the black looks like its been screen printed. I wanted to touch this painting because it looked like it was painted with oils.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Daniel Govar

This is the  artwork that I chose, I thought it was interesting. I like dragon art work just like comic art work because I like to draw dragons just like drawing super hero's, it helps me get a better understanding of how the dragon structure or scale would look like if I was to draw a dragon. How I would draw a dragon is that I would need a picture of a dragon then draw it and I would have the structure or scale of a dragon in my head then I would draw a different version of a dragon from memory in my ideal way, that the same way of how I would draw super hero's.

I think this image was sketched first then either photoshopped or hand painted. Think it was photoshopped then hand painted, if I painted this picture I would do both. I would paint the sketch then photoshop the images to clean up or add abit more detail to the artwork.

The changes I would make to this artwork. I would draw a dragon like one of these ones, in his battle stance, with Thor also in his fighting stance getting ready to have a battle with the dragon. I like the character of Thor that why I chose Daniel, to talk about because he has skills when it comes to illustrating.

The type of materials that Daniel would use would be water paint, pencil, pen ink and paper. These material I would use for illustration work because it seems faster when it comes to using water paint because it could color in the image that I would paint alot faster, then using the sharp end pen for better detail in the image. I am not much of a background drawer but I like some background depending on the idea if I would like it. I don't really like this background because its just boring. I like the dark kind of backgrounds with fire as well because it where the dragons belong.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Why I picked this artwork, is because I like the face expression and the pencil sketch look, that i find interesting. The face expression to me looks like the artist is trying to say that he's is stress and wants to get the stress feeling out on canvas to show people what he's feeling. This picture looks like he or she is screaming and wanting to rip out their hear out. I chose this picture because i like the sketch work also i like the view of how the face is tilt back, for me, be for i saw this picture i wanted to know how to draw faces tilted back also learn how to draw open mouths, because it shows how people like me know how to draw different angels of faces. I like the messy sketch look, to me i find it helpful, for example, you can make a good drawing just by scribbling out the image.

I think this picture would go good with graffiti art. I would picture the graffiti coming out of the mouth. The type of graffiti style I would use, would be wild style, like Askew1 graffiti work but in the same colour as Matthew Curran picture. Its something that other graffiti artist would do, if they would put their spin on it.  The idea I got from the other graffiti art work that I've seen once. I like the mix between graffiti and cartoon work, like the JNJ crew. They mix graffiti with cartoons or characters. I wouldn't make it better but just make it different. The idea is not an original, its just something that iv seen be for.

I think Matthew work was made, using ink or pencil. To me it looks like it was made from ink but again  it looks more like pencil sketch gone over with ink, not shore how this was it was made. To my self i would think its ink.  I like the drip effect, to me it makes the picture stand out more, also the hole picture looks good, 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

seek exhibition

How I would describe the exhibition; I thought the exhibition was interesting to see how Seek artists are thinking. They are thinking about child poverty and how they came up with the idea of how to help kids with food and clothes by making art and donating it to people who would give food or clothes. Thats why I think it's interesting to see artists making work instead of money to donate to kids. The collaboration that Seek artists came up with, was the idea of art donations for kids and their family in New Zealand that are finding it hard to get food or clothes.  So the Seek artist have a collaboration of helping kids, making art work, donations. The donations are going to kids in the local area of Mangere. It says that the Seek group are making a change for kids.

I'm thinking that making 1565 drawing would be hard work I think, because they are all different works but what Bill Riley was saying, was that each of them would do their part, like Dion would do the background color, Bill would do the painting and James would his part, drawing.

The artists are trying to achieve by inviting local people in Mangere to provide clothing, shoes or canned food for kids in Mangere who need it the most. Also, Seek artists are trying to achieve something like having a color-in wall, which is good for the kids that get the chance to draw or color in the wall which I like doing my self, is drawing on the wall.

The difference between this exhibition and a normal exhibition is that at a normal exhibition people get to see paintings or sculpture work on display but you can't touch it, also if you want whatever is on display  you have to pay for the art work, but whereas the Seek artists they have a different idea of display. All they do is make art work, put it on display, and if people want it all they have to do is donate clothing or canned food, then they get to take home the art work they wanted.